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About Us

Welcome to Rocky Mountain Quarter Midget Association! We are a racing club that prides itself on providing a safe and fun community that promotes friendship and learning through quarter midget racing. We focus on developing skills in a fun educational environment, promoting sportsmanship and building self-esteem in our young racers. Our goal is to encourage a lifelong love of the sport and provide an opportunity for kids of all ages to experience the passion and thrill of racing.


This is entry-level auto racing and no experience is necessary. Quarter Midget racing is the only form of auto racing where a child can start racing on the track at age 5 (However they can start Novice training as early as age 4 1/2). RMQMA strives to maintain a clean, safe, and healthy sport to be enjoyed by the entire family.

Rocky Mountain Quarter Midget Association is the perfect place to bring your child's racing dreams to life! We offer a unique experience, where kids aged 5-16 can experience competitive motorsports in a fun and safe environment. What's more, we welcome the whole family to get involved, with parents as crew chiefs, head-mechanics or judges, and younger siblings who can play and socialize with other children running between race trailers, RVs, or just having fun getting dirty at the track! 


Our goal is to create an experience that is not only fulfilling for kids, but for parents and siblings too. So come join us and see for yourself what makes us so special!

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© 2024 Rocky Mountain Quarter Midget Association, Proudly created with

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5074 Summit Blvd, Dacono, CO 80514


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